TDM Energy Alkaline Water System

  • TDM Energy Alkaline Water System able to provide clean and safe energy water for drinking. Energy Alkaline water brings innovations to healthy water, it uses bio magnetic fields to change the physical characteristics of water molecule and restore the natural energy and the penetration power of water so that it could be easily absorbed by the human body.
  • Benefits:
    – Slow down aging process
    – Bacteria free
    – Enhances immune system
    – Improves the distribution of oxygen and nutrients
    – Source of minerals needed by your body
    – Easier to absorb by our body, thanks to the smallest water molecule clusters
    – Removes toxins & waste products from your body
    – Keeps skin healthy and glowing
    – Helps you to lose weight
    – Neutralizes body acid level
    – Improves your energy
    – Increases your mental and physical performance
  • 6-level Element Specification And Details
1st Filter Core High Quality Ceramic
High quality ceramic provides a nominal filtration level down to 0.9 micron thereby extracting out microscopic sediments such as cysts, dirt, solids and harmful bacteria.
2nd Filter Core Pre Carbon Element
Silversol activated carbon constitutes an excellent filtration media having a high density with a balanced pore structure for more efficient absorption.
Suggested Replacement Date: Recommended Change ± 12 Months.
(Depending on tap water condition)
3rd Filter Core Silversol Activated Carbon + KDF 55
Highly Silversol carbon and KDF metal ion converter function to remove heavy metals such as lead, copper and cadmium.Suggested Replacement Date: Recommended Change ± 36 Months.
(Depending on tap water condition)
4th Filter Core BIO Ceramic Element
The bio ceramic element breaks the water molecule into smaller molecules for easier body absorption. Then water is exposed to the biogenetic rays. This results in “fresh” water that is ISO-Energetic which improves the body metabolism and increases resistance.Converter Cartridge lasts for a lifetime
No replacement required
5th Filter Core BIO Magnetized Element
The Bio Magnetized Element creates waves of magnetic field that effectively stabilize water molecule clusters and boost energy to a higher level. This element improvises the effect of the Bio Ceramic Element and enhances the energy water effect.Suggested Replacement Date: Recommended Change ± 36 Months.
(Depending on tap water condition)
6th Filter Core Silversol with Bio Ball Element
Enhanced to remove chlorine, organic chemicals and remaining residue from water and prevent bacteria from breeding?Increase calcium ions magnetiser and ionise the water to increase oxygen content.Suggested Replacement Date: Recommended Change ± 12 Months.
(Depending on tap water condition)

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